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- Mar 19, 2018-

Household blood pressure monitors are mainly used in families.

Family health care has become the modern medical care fashion.

Measure their blood pressure in the past, people have to go to the hospital, now as long as have the household electronic sphygmomanometer, sitting at home can monitor the change of blood pressure at any time, such as abnormal blood pressure can be timely to the hospital treatment, the prevention of cerebral hemorrhage, heart failure and other diseases the role of the burst.

In recent years, according to the international recommendations of the international legal metrology organization, the revised draft of the blood pressure meter, the blood pressure gauge is calibrated to the mmHg (mmHg) for the kPa.

1 kpa = 7.5mmHg, the dividing value on the ruler is 0.5kPa.

There are two scales on the blood pressure gauge, please pay attention when applying.

Most home blood pressure using German technology, simple operation, easy to carry and intelligent inflatable deflated, automatic shutdown, one minute can measure blood pressure value, accuracy is close to mercury sphygmomanometer, families preferred to popularize and apply automatic electronic sphygmomanometer.